Mulan Nails

Mulan Nails

Mulan nails is of the warrior princess that dedicated her place so that her father would not have to fight. This story is full of courage and honor.

Instagram: yanpaintsnails

floral mulan nails

mulan when she has her hair down she means BUSINESS. A pagoda landscape in the sunset is the background to floral escape.

Instagram: _allured

diamond mulan nails

Mulan nails reflect her beauty. color palettes have a jewel tone, from the movies. This look displays the cherry blossom falling and with colorful jewels.


Mulan nails

warrior fight like a girl. “I will bring honor to us all”


Mulan Cherry Blossom Nails

Cherry blossom is painted with the lightest tap of the brush to portray delicate petals falling. Mulan is a warrior and tough displaying her in a floral escape reflects her femininity. on the edge of the tips there is some grass to show height to a tiny canvas. Cri-kee is a lucky cricket to help her. In the culture of that era’s society making your mark is symbolic to a cherry tree of it turning colors.

Dragon Time!

Mushu dragon shows his colors of red, gold, and stone. Mushu is a guradian spirit to protect Mulan’s ancestors.

instagram: Kelseysklaws

Mulan Nails are iconic in the beauty world with it asian traditions there can be beautiful things reflected on the digits. Asian art brings zen and extends one’s inner culture. Mulan is a story of doing what’s right. Mulan’s beauty is like a reawakening. This is a time when people had alot of belief structures and things had to symbolize good luck.