
Our booking system is simple and fast. locks in the dates for your services by calling or instantly book. For a team consultation please book 4+ people or more for Group services
We will get in touch soon. Please book ahead of time to allow travel time.


Booking with Serendipity Pot is fast and secure. No more waiting at the salons that are unsanitary. With us being in your home, office, or event venue. You can rest assured that our team will be courteous, private, and professional.
We provide a service of light and love to eliminate any negative or blockages in your life.

What we need from you

After booking, Please provide a clean space for our techs to service. We need good lighting and access to the microwave to steam our towels.

What to expect from your booking

Listen to your needs

The best thing about being an in home provider is that we meet some of the best people and really get to know our clients. We provide high quality products that are direct to your needs.

The touch

This is the intuitive touch that is next level care. no massage chair can replace. what makes Serendipity Pot spa special is our ability to customize a wellness plan just for you. Our clients are treated with respect and healing with nature. this will center you to achieve the best version of yourself. We love what we do and we know you will feel the positive energy.