Cheek nail is a ombré blushing nail. First spotted on allure august 2022. One of the most popular mail trends in seoul has been taking the world over. We love the look of an ether poof orbit of a pink universe.

Grey orb
the perfect fall pop of color. Grey is so chic and a perfect neutral. With silver finishing touches, this calls for the right amount of color combo.

Pink blush
Silver background looks perfect with pink center. What a perfect pair of colors!

Ombré cheek pop
cheek nail takes an ombré effect of pink to orange these were don’t using a sponge to give the effect.

Blush pop
Light pink with a chrome blush of magenta. The contrast on these pink from light to dark makes an appealing pop of color.

black blue cheek nail
this looks like the cosmos of an blue orbit. What type of blush color would you try?

Love cosmo aura nail
A dark red with a light pink. Creation starts like this colors of love cosmo aura of red and pink.

Blue ombré pink poof
the center has yellow and pink some people use a sponge and dab it on. This reminds me of the new trend of wearing two color blush on your cheeks except in the nails .

love orbit
Light Pink with a hot pink center. As if pink can’t get better than this? You know when you’re in love with two colors this is the look to go for.

green lovers delight
chlorophyll shot of greens and it’s a mature color that gives us fresh greens type of sensation. You are what you eat. Green is money, health, and wealth.
Blushing digital blue
the blue on a white looks like a powdered blue baby. An angelic hue that looks ethereal.


Allure @love_xxsummer
This pink cheek blush with pink center and blue French are ultimately the cutest I have seen featured on allure. This Korean trend has gotten viral and everyone adores the powder puff look. Minimal color big impact.