chocolate Nails
chocolate nails is the craving for a rich and tasty aesthetics of candy. Have you ever wanted chocolate so bad, that all you ever dream about was a chocolate bar? Candy nails is a way to show appreciation for the sweet things in life. Whether it’s chocolate with fruit, nuts or graham crackers. chocolate nails fills the mind of beauty.

chocolate cow milk
These Japanese chocolates have cow prints on it. They look like milk chocolates and scrumptious! I nEver had it before but they look yummy!


Strawberry chocolate nails
strawberry chocolate drip naiLs. Nothing Is sweeter than chocolate art. Looking like a rich indulgence.

Chocolate swirls freNch
these French swirls look good enough to eat. Chocolate is like the language of love a sweet indulge that one look brings up memorIes of romance.

You want a piece of me?
sweet chocolate or dark chocolate the bite of a cocoa Can be satisfying if i

CHocolate truffle nails
what a cool way to display your love for chocolate nails. chocolate fulfills the satisfaction of a sweet tooth. A practical way to wear chocolate and it is sugar free.

chocolate dipped Strawberries
white chocolate, chocolate glitz, strawberry dipped in chocolate nails. Have yourself some chocolate. a treat to the eyes.