Dr.Seuss Nails

dr.Seuss Nails

The beauty of Dr.Seuss nails is the beauty of knowledge that fills young minds with joy and wonder. The colorful stories open our brains to a colorful world. Dr.seuss takes all your favorite stories and re-imagine the reflections on the fingertips. Life can be so GORGEOUS when we let a story lead our minds to fascinate into our beauty routine.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr.Seuss Nails dr.seuss nails Dr.Seuss Nails giphy


grinch nails

it is the iconic grinch hands he is mean and he is green. This looks true to the art of the famous story we all know so well. One hand it is the grinch, on the other hand it is cindy lou who.


Max nails

“Maybe Christmas (he thought) doesn’t come from a store. …


grinch nails

The beauty of the grinch story reigns supreme. We are mesmerized around the holidays of the classic story.

Dr.Seuss nails it with a Whimsical colorful world is used in this set of nail by Ksc nails. The colors are soft and remind me of the Children’s colorful adaption of Horton Hears A Who


I do Like Green Eggs and ham I would eat them in a boat I would eat them with a goat…

To see more of her works of art click here

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One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish the clear with green large sequins


The Lorax is an epic scene that makes one’s imagination run wild of color. I love the trees how they look like fur. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.- Lorax


The grinch stole Christmas

these are drawn to perfection. Looks like he gotten away with all the presents. These lights have a good look to the ornaments.


Dr.Seuss is a whimsical theme that teach children meaningful messages that allow them to dream of a life full of possibilities. Anything is really possible when you dive into the stories of Dr.Seuss nails. They playbook allows you to paint colors that usually don’t exist anywhere else. The illustrations portray a world of wonder to allow the reader to dream.