Fruit nails
Fruit Nails are always sweet and ripe at serendipity Pot garden spa. everyone loves juicy sweet fruits. Fruits are a inspiration object in art since the beginning of creation.
Adding fruits to your nails can open up your color palette. Colors that people usually don’t turn to. when painting fruits the colors open possibilities. People appreciate exploring new colors. Exploring color is a personal journey.
These stamp plates add different parts of the fruit to add dimension and shading of three dimension fruit. A new stamp technique that will add a shading to your fruit nails
1. Watermelon
2. Apples print
3. Single Apple Whole/ Slice
4. Candy and Guacomole Character
5. Citrus Slice
6. Lemon
7. Fruit variety cherry grape pear pomegranate

8. Strawberry print
9. Peach print
10. Banana / Dragonfruit
11. Cherry/ Blueberies
12. Citrus or Grapefruit drip
13. Cherry print
14. Strawberry print
1. Ice cream / icing drip with sprinkles
2. Watermelon
3. Citrus
4. Pineapple
5. Leaves
6. Bananas

7. Sprinkles/ Cone pattern
8. Watermelon rind
9. Citrus print
10. Strawberry
11. Apple
12. Peach
Fruit Nails Stamp Plate Looks

You are one in a melon!
This melon dollar baby is green. Watermelon slice print makes you look like you are a melonaire! Fruit nails makes you look like are worth a melon.
the apple of my eye
Good apples are at your fingertips

if Life gives you lemons, you make lemon punch
Lemon fruit nails is a nude base that balances the brightness of yellow. This would also look good with clear base for the negative space background.
Look! It’s a melon dollar baby. Rind, Grind, and sunshine! This melon fruit Nails will quench your thirst.

A pastel blue pops with yellow fruits of lemon and banana.

You are berry special to me
The strawberry pattern with little cute candy character. Strawberries fields looking like a light snack.

You are my main squeeze! I treat you like a queen and crown you.
Fruit nails Looks

The Fruit nails
The things she loves to eat kiwi, dragonfruit, papaya, cantaloupe, and watermelon.

Fruit nails
this style of painting like an old renaissance type of fruit painting is classic. Fig, apple, and so much more fruits.

Fruit punch nails
dragonfruit nails and coconuts it’s bananas and cantaloupe. You can any type of fruit!

Pomegranate beet and berries
this looks incredibly delicious juice nails. Makes me thirsty for some juice! On a black background and its very tasteful.

Citrus nails
tiny little citrus fruits painted so neatly.

blueberry nails
what a simple blueberry made by a dotting tool. Drawn with a few leaves and voila!

fruit skull
Halloween calls for spooky fruits. How will you be celebrating? These remind of sugar skulls with a fruity twist. Lemon and strawberry skull

Fruit ombre
added Crown Jewels and it pops with drawn summer ombré this is reminiscent is a sunset picnic of a Waikiki sky.

Cantaloupe French nails
slice of the good life




Grape Nails
geaoes are classic renaissance art style with a clear motive keeping it classy it looks like an oil painting with blendings of shadows and light add a slight gold to the tips and it adds that special touch.

fruit salad nails
you don’t need a stamp plate to make fruit nails you can freestyle by drawing. Practice makes perfect!

Grape Nails
geaoes are classic renaissance art style with a clear motive keeping it classy it looks like an oil painting with blendings of shadows and light add a slight gold to the tips and it adds that special touch.