Garfield Nails

Garfield nails

Garfield nails takes us on a journey through the ages as he fills our mind of adventures. Did you ever opened the newspaper And look forward just to read the comics? As a child, that seems to be the only part of the news that is the most enetertaining. Life is different when you are a kid. Now the garfield series has real life animated movies. Have you seen GARFIELD, the tale of two kitties? The comic books at barnes and nobles reveal a whole series.

reflective glitter Garfield

this cobalt blue is stunning with the silver glitter that makes it pop! Odie and Garfield plays peek a boo! Once the new glitter polish is used for nail art you see how the background almost moves. Gotta love yourself some new polish!

Flower power garfield nails

flowers always sets the tone for Garfield. French pastel mania give the nails a girly vibe.


Garfield ombré

“love me, feed me, never leave me.” Watching him makes me hungry for lasagna and go on a diet. He goes on and on about it.


Space odyssey

Garfield travels out of space. a black background there is a bitten moon. Garfield in astronaut helmet.


foodie garfield nails

Garfield is a foodie, he orders food by recording john’s voice and playing it through the phone. He is one clever cat. here

golden garfield nails

Garfield true colors

Garfield true colors golden on orange. The matte cool cat a smug look.


pink Garfield Nails

The glam Garfield nails are the ones on a pink background. Comics used to be black and white. Can you imagine the world in color? How vivid and colorful the beauty of Garfield nails.


Glittering Garfield Nails

This shimmery is garfield’s COMPLIMENTARY color. He looks ecstatic!


Comic book Garfield nails

Colorful Garfield nails. This looks true to the original comics. I woukd wear these they would capture much  attention.

Garfield parallel universe

the auras that come out from that beautiful machine we add swipes of color that gives the background a color splash revealing each stroke of the brush. Garfield wears bunny ears!


Halloween Garfield nails

garfield and Odie dressed up as a pirate for hallow’s eve. Wake up! Trick-o-treat a glorious night. A sack to hold all that candy! “He is so ugly he doesn’t need a costume!” Odie is gonna get garfield twice the candy! What a genius!


Fairy isle Christmas Garfield nails

well hello Garfield! How did you know that I needed a kitty in my life? Christmas special edition brings the warmth back in my heart.


Garfield Christmas nails

A special edition featuring red and green glitter. believe in the magic of christmas.