Mint hair
mint hair is the cool girl look and makes the complexion lighter. The Ethereal look of a goddess swooping down from the clouds. Enlightmint hair is between blue and green lights or medium to jewel tones.
VIvid Pastels
Pravana has a cool mint that look like a mint candy delicious.

Mint color deposit mask
these colors are so vivid they are so good for colors that are temporary like for a music festival over the weekend and you only want in it for a few days.

French islands
this mint is blonde banging it frames the face and captures coolness of being different. The ocean and the sky of teals reflect upon the French Virgin Islands. Untouched beauty
robin nest blue
this type of color makes you look like a fine porcelain doll. Resting with fine china tea time. There is a robin nest in her hair.

Mint bob
a bob is so chic on Women. The PRECESSION of a sharp bob makes One look so cleaN cut. Refreshing to see colors shift the tone of your skin.

Northern lights hair
mint and Purple ombre makes a spectacular Northern lights hair CAPTURING the magical sky.

Mint hair sparkles
this type of mint is light pastel which i love the most on cool tone blondes. Levels are requirements to ACHIEVE your goals the lighter the hair the more The true colors come out.

light pastel mint bob
this color of mint is the lightest and gives the green tint a blonde that is refreshing

Mint fantasy
mint hair has a fantasy appEal to it, that gives it an edge. swirls using baby hair. Every single piece was part of a intRicate design. ThAt is Just how life is every little detaiL falls into the Bigger picture. It is The design of life.

Matrix so color sweet mint

wella jaded mint

wella mint shampoo

pravana sea mint