M&m nails
M&m chocolate world is so delicious! seeing a whole place dedicated to M&ms! Going all out on M&m nails to conserve my space for art!

M&m candy machine nails
These dispenser machines are the ones to look forward to when you are a candy lover.

M&m character nails
the characters are so amusing because it looks like something we eat with a personality. If you can eat something that doesn’T melt hard candy shell is the way to go!

M&m toes nails
colorful variety make these m&m toes a true treat to the eyes. All the colorful m&m characters can unite.

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3d M&m Nails
all the different colors! When you were a kid you have different candy eaters. There were the ones that separate them. The ones that held them for later, and then there were ones ate them immediately.

Chocolate drip Nails
Here is the drip these m&m Characters got me good when i was a kid. to bring life to chocolate was funny because i loved eating chocolate so much. A sugar rush was always what i was seeking. Now as an adult, things have not changed tje search for chocolate beauty is more satisfying to see what people were making out of it.

m&m characters nails
The First Lady M&m nails. All the characters are here and the background is matching.

M&M nails
M&m are tasty year round. When i think of a poll a teacher did for us. We were gonna Pick the next color of m&m to be out next. What is your favorite flavor ? Choose one it it came out! life can be so DELICIOUS when you get what you want.
Christmas M&m nails
nails so good it’s good enough to eat! We love this for the candy shell outer coating. You can hold it without it making a whole mess. Walking around with these and playing with all your toys is particularly one of the best child moments without a care in the world.