Mochi Hada


MOchi Hada
Toji are farmers for three seasons out of the year. The skin on their faces and arms are weathered from being exposed to the elements. During the winter, when the ground is frozen, they brew sake to make a living. Despite their worn faces and arms, the toji are legendary for their ageless-looking hands.
Japanese geisha swear by this skin rituals. This is how you get the moon glow from within. A geisha’s glow is unlike any other beauty I have ever seen. Get the pure, lit within glow.

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Mochi Hada

Japanese skin care and rituals start with purity. The skin is able to transform into the goddess geisha glow. Mochi Hada means rice cake skin. That just means purity of the skin.Reveal the true glow underneath all.
The process of glowing lit within skin is the exfoliation. Glow baby, glow! Please allow an 1 hour + for this spa session. We use 3 types of fruits to exfoliate.This spa includes a massage on the shoulders to relax the tension while you are experiencing the bubblies.

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