Scalp detox


 massaging pulse point
purge and remove build up around follicles
1 Category

Hair scalp detox 

Pollution, smog, and chemicals are absorbed in our hair and can make things look dull. This intense detox is to keep your scalp fresh. It balances out your scalp from itchy and dryness. The perfect service to prepare before.
Hair Scalp Detox treatment massage starts with minty charcoal suds up. We massage it in and place charcoal on the strands. The charcoal strips all the impurities to the core.
-Minty Scalp treatment bubbles and invigorates your worries away

A relaxing 1 hr scalp spa.

The world class massage techniques add oxygen to blood flow to the brain. Followed by a scalp conditioner BLow dry we infuse the product with steam to get down to the pores.

Prepare your mind into new beginnings.

purge and let it all go
managing stress, migraines, and headaches
using pulse points that are an ancient traditional practice to increase circulations and blood flow
The sensation of mint on your scalp is a relaxing sensation that. It tickles as the cooling essence is working into the pores of your head. We often neglect our scalp because we can not see it.
THe most relaxing scalp spa for an invigorating sensation