the tiger nails bring tenacity, ambitious, and courage. The chinese zodiac was designed by a group of philosophers that were the most intelligent. They followed royals and record the series of events of the hour and saw the similarities of people within the same age.
The Year of the Tiger take on personalities of courage, confidence, and a sense of justice and commitment to help for the greater good. Tiger love freedom and independence. the strength of the Tiger are authoritative and their ambitions are sky high.
negative space tiger nail is cute, it gives the skin a chance to show it’s glow. Warm colors golden in the sheen. Cool skin colors reveal a Chrysanthemum of reflections. The same color on robes of monks. This color is a color of righteousness. Add black lines and drawn are like the lines forge of destiny.
experience the powerful tiger sense of fortune and prosperity. What way to bring in the strength of the Tiger than adding stripes to your fashion and style nails. To be one with the tiger they display ambitious, loyal, and inspirations.

Glam cats
tigers and all the big cats cheetahs, snow leopard all on pink. A glam cat portrait style of nails. Do we have any big cats lovers?

Bohemian Tiger Nails
These tiger nails are one to try! I love the multi colors that light this up with a whimsical walk through the playbook story of the Tiger, Sun, and nature.
Flowers and the moon side by side as it blossoms a bright future. The french manicure combines with bohemian designs make this a favorite.

Heavenly Tiger
This tiger is painted similar to the art works in temples. They look similar to the lion dance in the Chinese New Year. Typically they grab cabbage and wealth after a bow down dance. They look like loyal tigers willing to please the gods.
The grey fur shows its wisdom as it falls down. The heavenly tiger looks immortal with its neon colors.

red florals tiger
a floral escape the red tiger looks back at it. There is so many details in these nails. The light color makes the reds and orange of the tiger pop!

Tiger in captivity
Chain and roses the eyes of the tiger fill you up. What is it about these big cats that compel us to paint them?

Neon tiger nails
Hot pink on blue looks like an electing tiger. Reminiscent of mac lunar new years tiger. This tiger is not a pink one. Don’t you love chic packaging? You cna just nail it!

Tiger toe
This is the time to let the tiger catch your toes! good luck and prosperity can be yours! These colors are adorable and the cartoon tiger makes the theme look adorable. The right displays oranges which is what people use to display wealth growing on trees. It is your good luck!
combining brick red and gold ties the tiger down from a cute character to a more grown up appeal of something in between believe and reality. if you believe than you will achieve!

tiger escape
dreaming of safaris and just hanging out with tigers. I watch people hang out and about.
tiger French nails
the orange glitter French with some stripes and you are up to date with the current year of the tiger. Ferocious like a tiger.

tiger portrait nail
king of the urban jungle look the tigress in the eye and immediately know she means business! Tigers are COMMITTED to helping others. According to legend, this is how he received his place in the zodiac.


tiger Chinese zodiac nails
red with pink flowers added with gold and it’s a look for red envelopes. Li xi nails!
Will you be bringing in the tenacity of the tiger into your strengths this year? The tiger colors can bring liveliness into one’s life. They are tied down with nature and earth. strength of the tiger can be captured on the reflections in our nails, fashion, and beauty routine. Here is some Tiger inspiration that makes us feeling the year of the tiger! We wish you an amazing year of success, luck, and wealth!